Poucas horas após o lançamento da versão 384.74 a NVIDIA liberou a versão 384.80 Hotfix dos seus drivers de vídeo, que tem como principal característica resolver um problema ao carregar o game Watch Dogs 2 causado pela versão anterior. Confira abaixo detalhes da versão:
– Resolve problema ao carregar o game Watch Dogs 2
Abaixo características da versão 384.74:
Game Ready
– Melhor experiência de jogo em Lawbreakers “Rise Up” Beta.
Game Ready VR
– Melhor experiência de jogo em Spider-man: Homecoming VR.
– NVIDIA Control Panel: Added debug option in the Help menu. Selecting this option removes all overclocking performance and power settings.
Application SLI Profiles
– Added or updated the following SLI profiles: FIFA 17
– [NVIDIA Control Panel][Command & Conquer Tiberium Alliances]: Fixed a typo in the game name on the Stereoscopic 3D Compatibility page. [1441041]
– [3DVision]: CPU bottleneck occurs when 3DVision is enabled. [1823627]
– [GeForce GTX 1080/1070/1060][Prey (2]: Large amount of stuttering occurs throughout gameplay. [1902201]
– [Gamestream][DirectX 12 titles]: DirectX 12 titles fail to capture when streaming. [1903492]
– [Firefall]: The game does not run. [1911485]
– [GeForce GTX 970][SLI][Norton 360]: SLI cannot be enabled unless Norton 360 is disabled or in Safe mode. [1919094]
– [Doom 2016][Vulkan API]: Glitches occur when using the Vulkan API. [1935744]
– [No Man’s Sky][SLI]: Texture corruption appears in the game with SLI enabled.[200257478]
– [Windows Store video app]: Video playback is choppy with V-Sync OFF. [200314351]
via Adrenaline[:]